What does #clutter do to your brain & body?

I’m assuming that all 148 million streaming Netflix subscribers have watched or at least heard ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’, right? For those that don’t know, The KonMari Method is a minimalism-inspired approach to tackling your stuff category-by-category rather than room-by-room.

For someone like myself who makes a living as Professional Organizer, it’s amazing that this show is getting America’s attention. It's inspiring people to get organized & see the life-long value it has on your life. Let alone the affects that a #decluttered home or space can have on your mindset, behavior & health.

In fact, donation centers & charity groups are reporting higher donation volumes than ever before. I tell you this #tidyingup is such a big topic right now & its here to stay! I came across this interesting article on Newsweek, on what #clutter actually does to your brain & body. #Clutter has negative affects on your brain, mental & physical health. #TidyHouse means #HappyLife, am I right?

Check out the article here, “Marie Kondo Tidying Up’: This is What Clutter does Your Brain & Your Body” written by Libby Sander.


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